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Breast Cancer Awareness

One of the scariest things to ever hear is that you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer.  Would you be surprised to learn that 1 in 8 women are diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime?  Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer In the United States.  Every 2 minutes a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer.  That’s right, by the time you are finished reading this, there will be 2 more women who will find out they have breast cancer.  It is estimated that 86% of women who are diagnosed and treated will survive 5 or more years.  Although deaths from breast cancer have been declining with advancements in detection, treatment, and an increase in awareness, it still has the second highest death rate over any other cancer, and every 60 seconds a woman who dies somewhere in the world.  Luckily, early detection and treatment can decrease your risk of death by up to 47%.

What puts you at risk for breast cancer?  Unfortunately, just being a woman and getting older are the highest risk factors for developing breast cancer.  Roughly 95% of all breast cancers diagnosed in the United States are women 40 and older.  Even if you are under 40, you can still be at risk of developing breast cancer.  Mammograms and self-breast awareness are the best way to detect changes in your breast tissue.  How familiar are you with how your breast tissue feels?  There shouldn’t be anyone who knows your breasts better than you.  You should know exactly how your breast tissue feels and if notice even the slightest change, you should see your PCP right away.

Early detection methods include an annual mammogram once you turn 40.  But how many of you hear the word “mammogram” and cringe?  You are not alone, I was one of those women too, but there is no need to be worried.  When I hit the magic age of 40, I was informed by my PCP that I would need to get a mammogram done.  I was not too thrilled to hear those words.  I honestly even put mine off for a year after being told about getting it done due to the anxiety.  A year later at my annual physical, I was told again that I needed to get it done.  I begrudgingly agreed to schedule it and to my surprise the process and procedure were pleasant. There have been so many advancements when it comes to mammograms and while it is a little uncomfortable it is not painful, and I will continue to get them done as directed by my PCP now without hesitation.

We, here at Family Physicians of Greeley, care about the health of our patients and community.  We can help you to get one scheduled.  Even if you are uninsured or underinsured, there are places where you can get yours done at a reasonable price and sometimes even free.  We encourage you to talk to your PCP about your options.  And if you do not have a PCP, all our offices are currently accepting new patients. Be sure to follow us on Facebook ( and Instagram (  for health tips and other exciting news in our community!

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Family Physicians of Greeley, PLLP


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